About a 8 months ago I was first approached by someone wanting to talk about how I created the Pink Salt Riot branding and how I intentionally built a Catholic company. In the months since many more have asked and so in November I decided that these questions might be a call from the Spirit in the form of the people coming to me.
I started outlining this course late last year and now it is almost ready to share with you all. I chose the name “Branded Beauty” because it fit so seamlessly into what I have been looking to build here at JS.com: an exploration of the role of beauty in life and evangelization. Branding, for those that have heard the term but aren’tĀ quite sure what it means, is essentially the whole experience people have working with your brand and it includes your business content, personnel, and, yes, aesthetics. And this is why looking at branding through the lens of the Christian understanding of beauty is so powerful: the pinnacle of beauty is Christ on the cross. Service. Sacrifice. Humility. Others before yourself.
These are important tenets to keep in mind while building a business, especially in globalĀ economy ripe with extensive choices. Approaching branding through a throughly Catholic lens will allow you to grow in virtue, use your gifts and talents, serve people, and support your vocation. That’s the dream, right?
That’s also where this class comes in. This is a course for Catholics sharing their gifts through entrepreneurship or private ministry. This course will teach you to pinpoint your gifts within your work and determine who you are called to serve with those gifts, as well as teaching you how to leverage your branding to reach those people, wherever they may be, with your own brand of evangelization.
This course is for any Catholic small business owner, blogger, maker, or ministry leader who desires to strengthen the intentionality of their work and really make a difference in the lives of the people they serve. This course will help you shift your focus off your own needs and desires for your business on to the tremendous potential your business has to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Whether you are a contractor, lifestyle blogger, or artisan soap maker, you will work together with the Holy Spirit to see your work in a new and empowering way and communicate that vision to your potential clients in a way that turns them into devoted members of your business community.
AND in addition to an awesome class, you’ll also have the opportunity to be a part of an awesome community when you join the class – Catholic movers and shakers just like you that will help you work through your questions and lift you up.
The course will launch in mid April, but I will be offering a huge discount for the first few days only – you won’t want to miss it!
Get on the list to be the first to know when we launch and have access to the MAJOR initial discount!
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Hope you’ll be joining us!