by jillsimons | Nov 6, 2017 | Beautiful Living, Light
Join us for 24 days of reflection and exploration of beauty preparing for the birth of our Lord at Christmas. You will receive daily emails that encourage you to see the beauty God has placed in this life to help reveal Himself to us. Beauty is so misunderstood in our...
by jillsimons | Oct 29, 2017 | Beauty, Personal Style
My story is like so many little girl’s in our modern image saturated culture – one of constant discontent with my reflection that led to struggles with food, self-esteem, and friends. In elementary school I already began to realize that I didn’t look like the girls I...
by jillsimons | Oct 15, 2017 | Art + DIY, Beauty
I am so thrilled to share all kinds of fun and beautiful recycling projects with you in the coming months and this one just had to be the first. I discovered t-shirt yarn about 3 years ago and instantly fell in love. If there is one thing that no thrift store is...
by jillsimons | Oct 1, 2017 | Art + DIY, Foundations, Virtue
{I published the first version of this post on in the spring of 2017. I have edited and updated it to better capture my goals for this blog and provide a framework to refer to in the future.} So what does DIY, specifically recycled DIY, have to do...
by jillsimons | Sep 26, 2017 | Beauty, Foundations
This is a blog about beauty. So what does that mean? What is beauty? It’s a big question, and one that many better minds than mine have wrestled with throughout the centuries. From Aristotle to Augustine, Thomas Aquinas to Hans Urs von Balthasar, philosophers and...