Come Holy Spirit


Speaking to people is my passion. If there’s a room full of people hungry for truth, I want the chance to speak to them. The Holy Spirit has given me beautiful gifts for speaking, prayer, prophecy, and ministry that I LOVE to use in service to the kingdom, all the while knowing that my identity doesn’t come from being the person at the front of the room, it comes from being a daughter of God. This allows me to minister from a place of humility and openness that people find compelling and magnetic – the creating fertile ground for the Holy Spirit to move.


hear jill speak on these popular podcasts

{Jill’s appearance begins at 14:57}

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testimonials about jill as a speaker

Jill has the incredible ability to connect with her audience, to draw them into her experiences and to inspire them with her courage. She is a wonderful story teller and is attune to the Holy Spirit in all of her messages. She’s a voice of peace that is deeply needed in this world.

Elisabeth Williams

Director of Mission Advancement, Sock Religious

Jill is absolutely magnificent and captivates her audience with the universality of her messages. Clearly guided by and submissive to the Holy Spirit, she uses her life experiences to not only frame, but to illuminate fundamental Truths about our relationship with God the Father. Jill is able to speak out of a place of true vulnerability and discernment, which is a testimony to her faith, prayer life, and relationship with God. Her thoughts and words are compelling, direct, and absolutely inspiring.

Emily Jurschak

Pelvic Floor PT, Fiat Physical Therapy

Jill is on fire for the Lord! She speaks in such a way that captures your own story within the pieces of her story because she has walked through the highs/lows of her own journey with God and asked God, through prayer, to reveal His plan to her. She gave me so much inspiration to see how God is working in my own life by giving her audience a variety of practical prayer questions, visualizations, scripture passages, how to approach specific prayer time like adoration, etc. And she also provided so much wisdom for navigating different seasons of life- revisiting childhood experiencing to your current season. Thank you God for Jill and her ministry<3.

Rachel Winkler

Retreat Attendee, Imago Dei Retreat + Mastermind

topics jill is available to speak on

Jill is available to speak/emcee retreats, Women’s Conferences, Parish Missions, youth events, mega-conferences, and media events. Use the contact form below to get in touch about your unique event opportunity!

Hearing God’s Voice

One of the most insidious lies that the devil tries to get us to believe is that God is silent, but this could not be further from the truth. God loves to speak to us and we can learn to tune our ears to his voice so that we might experience true and free intimacy with God regardless of the circumstances of our lives. In this talk I use a variety of methods to share about my own prayer life and invite those present to enter into a few example prayers with me to begin tuning their own ear to the voice of our Lord.

Discovering Your True Identity in Christ

In my signature talk I share about the three places that I, and many others, typically look for their identity: struggles/sins, achievements, and relationships. I break down the way that all three of these faulty identities showed up in my own life and share about why all three of these identities will ultimately lead to slavery and emptiness. Then I share what we can draw our identity from instead: the intimacy and relationship that God is calling us to as a member of his forever family.

Christian Entrepreneurship

In this talk I share about the role of Christian businesses in society and why it matters that Christians create, build, and grow strong companies that are beacons of both moral and financial success. From my perspective as the founder of a well-known Christian women’s lifestyle brand, I share about the ways that entrepreneurship has led me into deeper relationship with God and allowed me to grow in my understanding of how God views each one of us as individuals. I also talk about giftedness and the way that businesses equip us and those we serve to step into their unique giftedness through meaningful work.

Receptivity to the Holy Spirit

Deep relationship with the Holy Spirit can absolutely change your life and in this talk I want to renew your mind about what is possible in relationship with the Holy Spirit. We will look at the Scriptures that tell us about Pentecost and what we can learn from them, as well as the “symptoms“ of the presence of the Holy Spirit in someone’s life. We will also dive into the fruits of the spirit and talk about how we can use these fruits to enter into conversation with the Holy Spirit about where we are not as open to him as we should be. Finally I will share some incredible testimonies about what is possible when you live, work, and minister in surrendered partnership with the Holy Spirit. If you want to be inspired, this is the talk to open up your mind about what is possible in the kingdom of God.

Ecumenism: Embracing Christ’s Heart for Christian Unity

In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed that the Christian family would be one. It is surely a source of heartache for him on a constant basis the amount of infighting between Christians not just of different denominations but those that share, supposedly, the same creed. In this talk I share about how we can discern the best way to both remain faithful to our own deep beliefs while still being open and receptive to those of other Christian faiths. Inspired by “The Benedict Option” philosophy, I break down why it’s important to create space to link arms with those who we share many, many important things in common with, especially when we are coming up against challenging forces in our culture that want to dismantle everything we hold dear as Christians.

Winning the Battle in Your Mind: Renewing Your Thoughts with Scripture

It’s so common that people become a victim of their own thoughts – doing the devils work for him by perpetuating hurtful and untrue thoughts contrary to the truth of God. One of our best tools in the fight against our own thoughts is in the Bible and its rich treasure trove of truths. In this talk I breakdown a helpful and repeatable process for diagnosing the lies that you’re telling yourself, allowing Christ to speak truth into that space instead, and creating your own personal mental arsenal of Bible verses to have at the ready when you start to slip into a negative thought spiral.

Jill is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and available to travel nationally.

Please contact me using the form below for more information and availability.

Invite Jill to speak at your event

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